
New Software Beats Screen Capture Viruses and Malware

September 22, 2008 by Victor · Leave a Comment 

Have you ever had your bank account information stolen by a virus or trojan that is on your computer? Many people have, and a coalition of German companies that includes Global IP Telecommunications, CyProtect AG and PMC Ciphers, say they have developed a means of encrypting keyboard input before keylogging or screen-capture malware has a chance to record it.

Modern screen capture malware or viruses function by taking a screenshot of your bank account screen or screenshots of other sensitive websites. Pair that with a keylogger that saves your every keystroke, and thiefs can have easy access to your personal information.

The new anti-keylogger and screen capture technology works by rendering password recording or screen capture impossible. It does so by presenting a virtual password entry screen on which letters and numbers are drawn figures, not ASCII characters, and the drawing is deleted several times per second during input. While this does make the password screens on your computer a bit “flickery,” it rules out any possibility of a screen capture that can compromise your personal details.

Read the full article at SC Magazine.
